Although our Peony Field Days was not held this year, we are having our annual Swenson Gardens Peony Barn Sale on Friday, September 13th and Saturday, September 14th, 2019, from 9 am to 5 PM. Our address again is 10958 70th St SW, Howard Lake, MN and will be held rain or shine. Time to load up the family and friends and head to our peony farm. Speaking of farms (now that our blog is working again except it won’t allow us to upload new pictures), Swenson Gardens was awarded the Wright County, MN farm family of the year. What an honor to receive this award and spotlight our advanced soil amendments and chemical free growing techniques. This was the first time that a peony grower/farmer received this award in Minnesota.
So for those of you who are new to Swenson Gardens, what is our Peony Barn Sale? Perhaps some of you frequent garage sales? Lets just say that our Peony Barn Sale is a peony gardener’s earthly heaven! Some have even commented that this is a peony lovers dream come true! Our barn is laid out with numbers of tables laden with marked variety bare-root peonies for sale. This includes retail roots leftover from our shipping and pick up inventory as well as wholesale/line out sized roots at yes, discounted prices. Cash or check only as we do not accept credit/debit cards during this event. Staff will be on hand to ‘talk peonies‘ and at 10 am, noon and 2 PM demonstrations on how to divide and plant peonies will be available free of charge. Looking forward to seeing you at Swenson Gardens Peony Barn Sale!