So much for the warmer temps that equate to peony growth in the fields! With the 30 F + degree temps as of late, peony growth has halted and so have the tulips! No worries here with the temps as they’ve been staying at or slightly below freezing at night. The last of the mulch between the rows were removed yesterday and thoughts of the weed crew starting this morning were quickly replaced with hot chocolate and a warm house. Actually hope for a killing frost to nip some of the early weeds but this spring, you never know. I don’t have the link available but please go to YouTube, search Swenson Gardens and subscribe to our video channel. We uploaded the first of many to follow this season on all the facets of planting, maintenance, tips and other how to’s. Also for those of you not on Facebook, you still can visit our Facebook site for various specials that we’ll be running through the season. You do not have to have a Facebook page to view our public site. Hope all of your peonies are doing great and stay tuned for more posts as the peony season continues!