Swenson Gardens

Peony field jottings…


Do you remember this shot from a previous post regarding when to remove mulch from first year peonies in USDA Zones 2-5? Yes this is the same tulip clump shot almost 2-weeks ago! Not much has changed since the onset of colder temps. This morning we had 24 F degrees here on the peony farm. With warmer temps expected next week, we should have tulip blooms in a couple of weeks?


This Japanese Tree Peony seedling has not changed much from a couple of weeks ago. Shot with the same macro lens as in previous posts today, really brings out the detail of the buds soon to be formation of the stems, foliage and yes blooms. Don’t you just love peonies?


One lone peony soldier provides an excellent shot to detail these amazing plants! It is so much fun walking around the fields looking for peony soldiers that provide that special shot.


These first year peony soldiers seem content to stand at attention waiting for warmer weather. No matter what peony zone you live in, please enjoy all aspects of the 2016 peony season!

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