What a winter we have had here on the peony farm. For us and I’m sure many others, we are surely looking forward to spring! Record snowfall and extremely low temperatures have been the norm since February 1st. With another 6-14 inches of snow forecast for today and tonight, that could mean a total of up to 55+ inches of snow that has fallen here since February 1st. YIKES! Thankfully as I look out our front door this morning, the peonies are nice and toasty under the much needed snow that we haven’t had for the past few years.

During last weekend’s blizzard, it took 3 hours to plow out our driveway so we could venture down to the main road.

Can you find one of our snowmobiles in the next picture? Snowmobiles are supposed to be on top of the snow not buried beneath the snow!

Yes there have been a few vehicles stuck on our driveway! Thankfully no one was injured other than our pride.

As we hunker in later today for our upcoming winter storm warning, it still amazes me how beautiful the sunsets are here on the peony farm in the winter. Perhaps this beauty helps us through the trials of snowstorms?

Hope you and yours are surviving winter in your area. Maybe in a few weeks or months(s) all of us will be breathing a sigh of relief from the winter of 2019! At least for us, life on the peony farm continues…