Green is still the color on 99.99% in our fields. A remnant of red from Lil’ Sweetie is still present towards the top of the field. The weed crew is doing a great job keeping ahead of the ‘other’ green in the fields. With more rain in the forecast this weekend and next week, I’m also forecasting very little color in the next week. June 5th and 6th are still the only two dates we are posting for our Peony Field Days. Will update more dates once we get in to next week. The colors on those peonies that have shown are very vibrant with the cooler weather and lack of sun. Hope your peonies are doing well in your gardens and for our friends in Zones 6 – 8a, now you have to wait till next spring. Sad but its always fun to see color when they first bloom. For our friends in Zones 2 & 3, hang in there! Your time will come too! Happy gardening!