Looking for a new retail peony variety division? Swenson Gardens is for you. We specialize in unique world class peony hybrids. Herbaceous hybrid, lactiflora and intersectional hybrid or Itoh hybrid peonies are our one-of-a-kind creations. We also carry Roger F Anderson’s retail peony seedlings. Gorgeous, unique peonies are our specialty.
32” tall, 48” wide, semi-double to double, mid
Its finally time to release ‘Bartz’ other half! No flares on ‘her’. Depending on growing season for us, we’ve noticed ‘her’ with both semi-double and double blooms.
ADD TO CART40” tall, 48” wide, double, mid
This delectable color looks black from a distance and IMHO is the darkest, full double peony color to ever be released in the market. Some afternoon shade may allow the petals to remain light and airy.
26” tall, 40” wide, bomb, early to mid
Absolutely, positively fire engine red! Densely packed bomb of such a clear, definite red that is fairly pops against its well-formed foliage.
30” tall, 40” wide, semi-double to double, early
No diffidence here! Bold, confident, assertive peony that looks forward to spring! In fact ‘early’ spring blooms of this color may make a gardener blush with joy.
28” tall, 38” wide, bomb double, early to mid
Take courage dear peony enthusiasts when bright red blooms emerge in the spring. Rejoice and be glad in it. Your heart (and eyes, nose and appendages) will truly shout for joy!
ADD TO CART24” tall, 32” wide, semi-double to double, early
Sweetness has never ‘smelled’ so good! Such a delight in a peony garden. Especially knowing ‘Melissa’ was her mom.
ADD TO CART20” tall, 30” wide, double, early to mid
Though not as big as her mom, Melissa, to trust and wait expectantly each spring, rewards peony enthusiasts the true meaning of a ‘dwarf’ cultivar.
ADD TO CART34” tall, 44” wide, double, early
Through our new mom and A.P. Saunders ‘Queen Rose’ the dad, may we present their child, Glorious Lavender. Attributes never been seen or smelled this early, ever.
30” tall, 40” wide, single to semi-double, early to mid
Though scents are not present, the sense to stop and look will grab your attention during bloom time. Dark green foliage is definitely an eye catcher too.
ADD TO CART32” tall, 44” wide, double, early to mid
Not as tall as its sister, Wonderous Secret, smaller spaces may allow this ‘secret’ to fulfill its place in your garden. Lovely dark green foliage but don’t tell anyone.
28” tall, 38” wide, semi-double, early
Our new mom certainly has an affection to A.P. Saunders. His ‘Fantasia’ and her produced a rather boisterous child named ‘Glorious Sound’.
ADD TO CART32” tall, 40” wide, single to semi-double, early
Our new mom also had an eye on R.G. Klehm’s ‘Lavender Whisper’. Their child far exceeds its dad’s original characteristics. Perhaps our new mom had a part in that?
ADD TO CART32” tall, 38” wide, double, mid
Beyond excited to offer a few of these for the distinguished gardener! Flower form, foliage and very stiff stems catapults this variety beyond any peony available today. Yes friends, this is a very, very special peony!
26” tall, 38” wide, semi-double, early to mid
Mulberries are a bit too blue, pomegranates a bit too red. It’s a fresh-picked plum that these densely packed petals resemble, fresh as fruit salad against its crisp greens.
34” tall, 46” wide, double, mid
Thank you, ‘Majesty’s Bonnet’, for providing some motherly features and looks to me. It certainly appears though, that I have a much bigger bonnet than you.
28” tall, 38” wide, bomb double, very early to early
We were bewildered upon seeing this new bomb double peony bloom so, so early! Its bloom color was an overwhelming sight that caused intermittent blindness.
34” tall, 44” wide, double, mid
Yes, I am a show off and am eager to display my attributes. It helps when my father’s name is, ‘Roger’s Showstopper’ so I guess its ok then, right?
30” tall, 40” wide, semi-double, mid
Perhaps you know my mother, ‘Pastelegance’? She certainly presents a much fuller bloom style, but I too inure all the same refinements, grace and beauty.
ADD TO CART30” tall, 40” wide, semi-double, mid
It’s hard to envision just how large my blooms can become. I was a full 8” diameter when these pictures were taken. Not sure how you will hold me?
ADD TO CART32” tall, 42” wide, semi-double, early to mid
My mom, ‘Majesty’s Favor’ did not have as full and wide blooms as me. Thus at the 2024 APS Convention, I received a seedling, Honorable Mention award.
ADD TO CART32” tall, 42” wide, semi-double, mid
You may notice some resemblance in my bloom coloration as my dad, ‘The Fawn’. Though he did not have any fragrance, thankfully I do!
ADD TO CART30” tall, 42” wide, semi-double, mid
The graceful and elegant nature of me certainly evokes a sense of passion and love. I will be faithful to you for many years and oh, I too can stand up tall on one stem!
34” tall, 44” wide, Japanese, mid
The splendor of this Japanese bloom is beyond grand! In person, not only will its color elevate your sight, its fragrance will also elevate your smell.
ADD TO CART28” tall, 40” wide, double, mid
Yes, friends, this is the variety that received the ‘best Lactiflora seedling’, ‘Court of Honor’ and ‘Certificate of Merit’ awards at the 2024 APS Convention.
34” tall, 44” wide, double, mid
You can be confident in the fact that I have all the attributes of a new Swenson Gardens peony! Thus, ‘my hope is built on nothing less…’
24” tall, 34” wide, single to semi-double, mid
What happens when you hybridize ‘Bashful Queen’ and ‘Little Dorrit’? Yes, friends who saw this blooming in our peony field, this is the one! Glowing!
ADD TO CART30” tall, 42” wide, double, mid
Time to throw a tasteful party during the midseason peony bloom! Exquisite bloom color; without any scent, for all your social gatherings.
40” tall, 52” wide, double to bomb double, mid
Huge blooms, lovely fragrance, stiff stems and vibrant pink color seen from afar. No wonder I received the ‘Certificate of Merit’ award at the 2024 APS Convention.
32” tall, 44” wide, semi-double, mid
The quality of being pink in color has its advantages. Delicate blooms exude vibrancy and yet, a stately presentation. Upright of course!
ADD TO CART28” tall, 40” wide, double, mid
Shiny raspberry red color that will emit joy in your garden. The judges at the 2024 APS Convention also awarded it with a ‘Certificate of Merit’ ribbon.
ADD TO CART34” tall, 44” wide, double, mid to late
Are you serious? These are the bloom colors and plant characteristics? Yes patience will be rewarded with this over achieving peony.
25” tall, 26” wide, single to semi-double, mid
Ok so my father, ‘Roger’s Showstopper’ had a part in my birth. Gardeners actually stopped in the fields when they saw me in bloom!
ADD TO CART28” tall, 42” wide, Novelty, mid
Hard to describe my blooms so they put me in the ‘novelty’ category as I’m very unique. For those of you looking for something different, please order me!
ADD TO CART32” tall, 44” wide, double, late
Looking for a later blooming full double red peony that has all the attributes of a new peony variety? Be brave as I am and choose me for your garden.
34” tall, 44” wide, Japanese, mid to late
Ok so I won the chance to be offered as another ‘Japanese’ bloom on the Swenson Gardens website. I can also be a winner in your garden!
ADD TO CART26” tall, 36” wide, semi-double, early to mid
Soft and cuddly pink blooms with streaks of rosy pink veining will surely mesmerize you into a periodic state of restfulness! Really?!
30” tall, 44” wide, semi-double, mid
This darkest semi-double red will not fade and is the first peony Roger Anderson has allowed to bear his name. A very special herbaceous hybrid seedling.
32” tall, 46” wide, semi-double to double, mid
Will Roger Anderson’s final intersectional hybrid peony seedling please stand up? The finale is here from his last group of seedlings we purchased from him. Thank you!